Friday, December 9, 2011

at 33 weeks a mms is a lot like...

again, mms = man in my stomach.  in a moment of "brilliance" this morning at 5 am*, i came up with moms.  man out of my stomach.  but that only really works if i started with mims, and i can't go changing that now.  because mms has some history with me. when i was a nasty little middle schooler**, we called our math teacher mms. math-teacher because we thought we were so clever and we always thought she looked just a little on the pregnant side.  i am trying to come clean here!  how awful of us!  anyway, it apparently amused me enough to stick and now the moniker is all mine!!!*thanks, bud, for the extra couple hours of sleep!**are nasty and middle schooler redundant?  

thanks, wikipedia, for the illustration

back to the point, there is one, of course.  being 33 weeks pregnant feels a lot like how a lava lamp looks.  i just had my second breakfast, mini butterfinger, thankyouverymuch, and am now experiencing the constant flow of mms.  its a little hard to sit down.  at times he gets a little mangled in my ribs, etc. or sits just so i can hardly breathe at all.  and to be honest, i think it is completely awesome.  i have weird dreams where i can grab his little feet or hands.  they're really weird dreams.  mostly, i can tell you his little butt sits on the top of the right side of the bump and i call him sir squishy mac tooshie bottom.

also, don't think i don't know every joint in town who serves this:, i don't know you but i love this photo.  and strangely, wikipedia is silent on the subject of pellet ice.  just went on my to-do list.

this photo causes me to drool.  yummmmm, pellet ice...mms loves him some pellet ice and has been known to do back flips as i crunch through my fifth or so cup of the day.  greenlife is my current go-to ice provider.  an employee recently watched and complemented me on my ability to create the perfectly filled pellet ice cup.  

do i even need to tell you the total cliche here?! cliche: i wrote about pregnancy.  for good measure, here's me and shua when we found out that mms was indeed a man and not a miss.

what's your favorite kind of ice*?  don't pretend like you've never thought about this.  *and where can i get it?

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