Wednesday, December 7, 2011

little victories!

apparently the mms* *man in my stomach thinks that 3 am is the new 8 am.  meaning that every night, i get up in the wee hours of the morn and spend several hours awake before going back to bed.  a t-minus 6 weeks to little man's arrival, you'd think i'd want to talk about all sorts of important things.  if you thought that, you probably don't know me very well.

no, let's talk about those teeny tiny minutia of projects that start to get under your skin until, with or without mms, you are up at 3 am concocting elaborate plans for world domination.  what?!  you don't do this?!  ok, judge me not, but my makeup bag has been driving me batty for weeks.  here's the offender:

(does it look to anyone else like the bag had a little accident?)

she seems innocent enough.  i like that she has a big butt and therefore adequate amount of storage.  and i can pick her up and walk over to the full length mirror to plop down on my hiney to apply my face paint.  that's where the love ends.  victoria's secret...really?  i think a small piece of me dies every time i look at that logo.  and what is with the tiny opening?  i start each makeup app with the ritual unloading and aligning of the goods.

what this lazy efficient girl needed was a way to see and reach everything without feeling like i was reaching into hermoine's magic purse.  pinterest proved less then helpful in my quest for "the solution."  but driving home one day with new lipstick booty to be added to the offending bag of shame, it occurred to me a cup would be the perfect vessel to display the array.  and that's when this happened:


my current pride and joy.  i have made at least two friends come look at it.  yes, i am that person.  let me introduce you to makeup station 2.0.  this free upgrade was brought to you by the isle of misfit serving dishes. the unloved of my china hutch has now been brought forth to glory!

on the right we have one of mom's tarnished patinated* mint julep cups** holding all things lippy.  *i googled that; who really knows the past tense of patina?! **because mms is not really conducive to the sipping of mint juleps, nor would i take the time to polish these bad boys just for a cocktail.

down front we have face stuff.  to the left we have the all important eye shadows.  and finally, backing up the whole thing is the other patinated julep cup filled to the brim with brushes, mascara, and the essential eyelash curler.

would it be too superlative to say this is everything i dreamed it'd be?!  i don't really care.  it's true.  makeup station 2.0 is pretty.  organized.  functional.  and look who watches over me as i apply my war paint:

thor.  i love him.

so, yes, this is how i am starting my blog.  i should possibly have my head checked.  or get more sleep. cliche: soon-to-be-mom-blogs-on-trivialities. 


  1. Bravo. And proud to say I'm one of the friends drug in to witness the masterpiece. I'm fully impressed now having seen the before. :)

  2. Yay for another mommy blogger! I'm jazzed you've re-entered the world of blogging...though if you start talking about nap schedules and size/color/texture of pooh we may have a problem ;) Yay for getting organized AND repurposing! Two things I've been DESPERATELY trying to do lately. Yay for 2 blog posts in less than 24 hours! A feat unseen on my blog for months. Yay for Lisa! (am now setting down my pom poms)
